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We are looking to visit the resort in April and are wondering whether there are any local taxis available to pick us up from Alicante airport and what prices this would be. We would require a child car seat for the journey as we have an 18 month old son.

Many thanks



This man does airport runs for 35 Euros not sure about the car seat Phil on 0034 660099862 or 0034 966715235

Commented Patti in Quesada 2011-03-08 08:38:44 UTC

We know many who do airport runs but are 100% illegal. There are far too few taxis unfortunately & , as these often charge around 50% more, people choose to use illegal 'taxis' which are not insured for public conveyancing, often it's people who do it to supplement their pensions etc &, of course, don't pay tax on the earnings. For these reasons I never give out numbers for these. Nice earner though & plenty of takers. Is Phil 100% legal?

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-03-08 10:02:54 UTC

You are 100% correct blogwriter there are so many locals that will do the run for you in their private car. In this case Phil is legal, its the same company that does the car hire for 10 Euros per day, they offer it as a service for people renting from them but will also collect people that are not renting

Commented Patti in Quesada 2011-03-08 11:04:39 UTC

I assume then that Phil has a "Tarjete de Transporte" which authorises him to transport passengers for reward. Having a taxi licence doesn't make the service or vehicle legal. If he has an accident the fare paying passengers will not be covered. Up to each of us to demand to see this paperwork.

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-03-08 13:26:04 UTC

Many thanks does anyone have an email address for Phil?

Commented AC in Quesada 2011-03-08 19:56:40 UTC